Hey you! Did you already pick up your IFO NFT?
You will receive a great Astro Point NFT discount.
You did not take part in the IFO? Check the Marketplace to buy one!
Your NFT Collection
Each NFT has a number at the top and there are 10 numbers for each of the 3 classes (Bronze, Silver, Gold)
Yes. This NFT can be sold, bought, or traded either publicly or privately.
Sort of! Once a full set of all 30 NFT has been collected, they can be redeemed for an Astro Wheel NFT that will add you to the monthly airdrop list! This airdrop will be distributed evenly across all Astro Wheel NFT holders and will be over $500 monthly!
This collection is made of 100,000 NFT’s, with a total of 30 unique images. These 30 NFT’s are broken down into 3 rarity groups. Bronze, with a 60% chance of minting, Silver with a 30% chance and Gold with a 10% chance. Each group of 10 consists of images labeled 1-10 (X).
Instructions for redemption will be released soon. Note that all redeemed NFT’s are burned and can NOT be used again for redemption.
This collection is made of 100,000 NFT’s, with a total of 30 unique images.
You can view your NFT collection in the AVME wallet using the NFT Dapp, on popular websites like https://markr.io, the MetaMask mobile app, NFT compatible browsers, and of course on this AvaOne webpage by logging into your wallet above.
There is currently no time limit to claim, but once the 100,000 NFT’s have been minted you’ll have to trade to complete your set.